Server stats RAM missing a zero

Issue #36 resolved
marek w created an issue


Small bug, in the perf monitor, the ram stats shows as for example: 34298 kb which shows 34.298 mb

Where it should have an extra zero on the end, so:

342980 Which would then show the correct figure of: 342.980 mb

Comments (3)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    I'm not sure to understand, you mean that all the ram data are not showing the right value, but rather showing all value reduce by a factor of 10 ? is that right ?

  2. marek w reporter

    Reduce by a factor of 10 yeah. (so hence the wrong value) Such as instead of being 6 digits long, its 5, therefore shows very little RAM use, where infact its using 10x that amount.

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