Sending actions and loading is incredibly slow

Issue #45 closed
marek w created an issue

The problem is mainly when creating a new server. I click new, then it either takes 10 minutes to go through and create one, or just does not create one at all.

Other loading functions are also on the slow side especially SE / SESE pages, but the above issue with creating a new server is by far the worst.

Comments (6)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    I will look into it for the new server action but for the se/SESE pages, I can't sadly optimize the more as it's an external operation that take the most part of it (steam cmd call x2 for SE and api + file assembly safe loafing for sese)

  2. marek w reporter

    Ahh ok i see. Disregard the SE / SESE pages as they are not really the pressing issue. From it just being the create a server action, it has now turned into mostly all actions navigating the servers, and configurations.

    Sat here for 10 mins waiting for the server to load -.-

    I tried clearing the performance data and restarting the browser in iis, same issue.

    Thanks as always for your assistance

  3. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Do you have set any cpu/ram limitation on the IIS app pool ? If so, try to deactivate it (just a few minutes for the sake of the test) and test the creation of a server (to be abble to roll this out or in of the possible causes)

  4. marek w reporter

    I did have it limited to 20, tried removing it, seems to have helped slightly on all actions. However the limit was fine when first implemented on V3, so seems to be something 'newish'

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