When right click is required, have a button as-well

Issue #53 resolved
marek w created an issue

Hello Remy

Would you be able to implement buttons for all the right click options?

When on a phone, (potentially also using a Mac), its impossible to use the right click options, since most smart phones don't allow you to right click on anything.


Comments (4)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Hmm, tough question,

    First, keep in mind that the mobile support in SESM is essentially a byproduct of the use of bootstrap and is not currenty guarenteed in any way. SESM V3 haven't been conceived with mobile in mind... (there was more pressing matters)

    However, with the increasing number of user, this support will become a necessity sooner or later, so a reflexion is required.

    The context menus where included instead of a button/dropdown because of a bug in datatables truncating the menu outsite of the table div. It also allowed to make menus more flexible and less heavy in the interface and as a mobile screen is already small, adding a button won't help at all the readability/usability. So re-introducing the button won't be a good solution.

    The main problem is that the context menu plugin SESM use currently don't support other than right click trigger (see : https://github.com/sydcanem/bootstrap-contextmenu/issues/63). It will require to make a fork and find a way to trigger it ...

  2. marek w reporter

    Ahhh ok i see, thanks for the info. Nobody seems to be working on the context menu plugin which is unfortunate, hopefully someone will fork it at some point.

    V3 does however have buttons for alot of options, so therefore mobile is just about possible even if it is a bit difficult to hit the button. Is there any way to get buttons for: - File Manager "Edit" - Map Manager "Load" - To Select a server in the server list. When selecting a server it brings up buttons for, Delete, start, stop, restart, kill. However its not possible to select a server on mobile. Is there any way to implement something that will enable a phone to "Select" a server from the server list?

  3. remygrandin NA repo owner

    i'm currently working on a workaround, trying to make the contextmenu display on doble tap or long presse, whichever I can make work first.

    As you say, most of the actions are possible by selecting the item with the chackboxes, however, the action that will be available are ony the ones that can affect multiple item at once, that's why having a select map or a edit file there wouldn't make sense.

    PS : i've tested, the server list and you can very well select servers on mobile, it's just that the checkbox will only be available if the loged user have at least manager rights on the server

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