display SE, SESM, Extender and Extender Plugin versions

Issue #57 resolved
Zach Risher created an issue


Extender and its plugins (Essentials in particular) are in serious flux right now - the new maintainer Dedox is doing a great job keeping us up to date with the latest patches and fixing a lot of broken stuff. However, it's very difficult for me as an SESM user (not super user) to tell what versions of these tools I have installed, and thus to keep up with the flow and debug.

Since SESM manages the version of these things, and I am unable to myself, it would be great to see what version I'm currently using. Same with Space Engineers - I have no direct visibility into the current SE version, so I have to try to connect using my own client every Thursday and Friday to tell if we're up to date.

I know all this stuff is mean to auto-update, but I think having access to these version numbers would make things clearer and save people a lot of time.

Thanks and best,


Comments (8)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    So actually :

    • For SE : I can only have the steam build ID as i can't find anywere in the SE game files a way to tell the version. The installed build id and available build id is available in /settings/SE and in the associated APIs.

    • For SESM : the version is avaialble on the botton of every page of the website. There isn't at the moment a webservice to provide it in an API way but it can be done if needed.

    • For SESE : Here the full version number is avaialble in /settings/SESE and the associated APIs.

    • For essentials : SESM isn't ment to manage SESE mod directly (at least, not at the moment). However, if that suits you, I may be able to add a right click option on the dll files in the file explorer to read the version of the dll. For the remote, i don't have any way of getting it as for SESM it's just a mod dll like others. SESM don't know where it's from.

    If you are only a user, then the responsability of SE, SESM and SESE upgrade are to your superAdmin / host. Also, as the version checking of SE and specially SESE is a heavy (hear CPU/RAM/Network intensive) operation, it's access can't be opened to non superAdmin. The SE one because it invole the launch of 2 steamCDM instance and the SESE one because it load the SESE assembly and call a github API (which can only be called about 30 times per hours and per IP)

    Edit : Thinking of it I could cache thoe two above values and display it on a non super admin page but you would have to keep in mind that this woudl be non authoritative value (hear not real time/ not 100% trustwothy)

  2. Zach Risher reporter

    Yes, if you could cache these values after updates/initial installs and display them somewhere together, that would be amazing. You could put them in the footer after the SESM number, but I imagine you consider information in the footer/header to be server-agnostic. Perhaps on the Server Settings->Server page for SE and the Server Settings-> SE Server Extender page for SESE?

  3. Zach Risher reporter

    Re: managing SESE plugins directly, if the multiplayer update comes around and using Extender still makes sense, that would definitely be a nice feature. Just doing it for essentials probably hits 99% of your audience.

  4. Zach Risher reporter

    Awesome, thank you! Waiting for this to be reflected in my SESM panel at my host, really excited to check it out. Would I look for the version numbers on the Server Settings->Server page for SE and the Server Settings-> SE Server Extender page for SESE?

  5. remygrandin NA repo owner

    No, the version (local and remote) of se/sese/me and SESM are available on a single public page. You will see It right away in the sidebar. For the sese plugin version (dlls) you will be able to see them in the file Explorer by right clicking them and selecting "get version".

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