Server status running but not showing local nor public

Issue #63 new
Striker Lord created an issue

We have encountered an issue when we try and run a SE server from the SESM tool with Server Extender enabled. If we run a server through SESM all is fine and the servers are localy and publicaly shown on the server lists. If we activate the Server Extender on one of these servers it will say the server is Running but it will never show on the local nor public server list.

we tried all updates (running on SESM 3.7.2 and SE, SE version is because the original was not functional, this one is made by dodexahedron);

We get NO errors in any logs, they all tell us the server is running fine. Firewall settings where all checked, even tried by disabeling the firewall entirely, no succes.

once we run the server from the Server extender without using SESM, it works fine, in the taskmanager it does show a difference because it is running from the SE application instead of running as a service.

we are running a windows 2012 R2 server and tried about anything, we realy would like to get the Server Extender running in this setup with SESM, please help!

Comments (20)

  1. Twan Ariens

    Hi Remy

    The log can be found here :

    Some more information:

    The issue seems to be in the calling of SESE on a Windows Server 2012 64-bit version. Whenever we run SEServerExtender.exe and select the server manually, the SESE works like a charm. People can join and see the server in the server list. When we start the server in SESM with SESE on, the server starts normally but people are unable to join or see the server in server list (even on LAN). When we start the server with a bat file containing the following code:

    C:\SpaceEngineers\DedicatedServer64\SEServerExtender.exe autostart instance="SESM_3_iCare_Creative_Test_Server" autosave=30 nogui logpath="C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\SESM_3_iCare_Creative_Test_Server\Logs\"

    It does the exact same thing as when we start the server in SESM: It starts normally (no errors in logs) but people are unable to join and unable to see the server in the server list.

    It seems that the SESE is causing issues on the Windows Server 2012 64-bit version.

  2. Striker Lord reporter

    Hi Remy,

    Did you manage to get any headway with this or do you need any extra information?

    Kind regards Striker

  3. Twan Ariens

    Unfortunately the last version does not fix the issue. The process starts as it should, generates saves as it should but is still not able to be found in Space Engineers. Not even in the LAN tab.

    I have checked the logs once more and still it gives me no issues what so ever. I did notice that a service is being booted on port 5353. When I check the monitoring of the firewall, port 5353 is being used by SHIELD streaming Service UDP Exception and by Google Chrome (mDNS-In), but no reference to SESE.

    If you need more information, please let me know

  4. Twan Ariens

    Finally found an error in the logs!!

    2015-06-08 20:32:52.677 - Thread: 10 -> Network readers disposed

    2015-06-08 20:32:52.677 - Thread: 10 -> Logging off Steam...

    2015-06-08 20:32:52.677 - Thread: 10 -> Shutting down server...

    2015-06-08 20:32:52.925 - Thread: 10 -> Done

    2015-06-08 20:32:53.296 - Thread: 2 -> Exception occured: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at hkMemoryRouter.heap(hkMemoryRouter ) at HkpAabbPhantomOverlapListener.__vecDelDtor(HkpAabbPhantomOverlapListener , UInt32 A_0) at Havok.HkpAabbPhantom.Dispose(Boolean A_0)

    2015-06-08 20:32:53.299 - Thread: 2 -> Hiding window

    2015-06-08 20:32:53.299 - Thread: 2 -> Showing message

    Seems like for some reason the network connection gets shut down?

    Full log: SpaceEngineersDedicated.log

    SESE log:

  5. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Actually the 5353 port seam to be required by SESE in some way. Can you try stopping/exiting shield and chrome and try to start the sese server?

  6. Twan Ariens

    I have cleared the processes and made an override in the Firewall for port 5353. Still no luck on seeing the server in the space engineers server browser when running it via sesm. Logs are not returning any errors btw.

    But i don't believe it is a port issue since the server can be found when we manually execute the SESE executable in the space engineers directory. It has to do something with the calling to SESE being treated differently on a Windows Server 2012. This is explained in post #3 of this threat.

  7. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Ok, try then to launch the server through the windows service console (services.msc). If it still fail, then it's more likely a direct sese problem, if it works,... Well I'm out of idea...

  8. Striker Lord reporter

    Just to be sure so I can try this out this evening; The Server service is called "SESM_3_iCare_Creative_Test_Server" in our Service list, this is the one i should run manualy in the services list? Will it use the Server Extender by default because it is set up in the SESM settings, even if i start the service from services.msc?

    I do believe Twan has already tried this before, I am not sure what the outcome was and using which versions, so just to be sure.

  9. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Yes, that's the one. If you activates sese in SESM for this server, the service exe should be the SESE one (you can check by opening the server properties and looking at the path displayed in it). The only thing that won't be configured will be the autosave but that's irrelevant for the purpose of this test. If it still don't work, please post me the result of the netstat command, once with the service started and once with the service stopped.

  10. Striker Lord reporter

    I started the server from the Services management console, this made no difference, the server was still not showing on LAN nor WAN. First netstat result is while running the server, the second result is with the server off, i don't see a difference, need any special subcommand info to the netstat?

    Running test server
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
    (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Active Connections
      Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
      TCP         Striker:55605          ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:52662          ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:52661          ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:8081           ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49914  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49915  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49916  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49917  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49918  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49919  ESTABLISHED
      TCP     dhcp-077-250-092-220:49929  ESTABLISHED
      TCP    Striker:49176          ESTABLISHED
      TCP    ULTIMATE:35623         ESTABLISHED
      TCP    Striker:35623          ESTABLISHED
      TCP    pool-108-34-36-62:http  TIME_WAIT
      TCP    208-64-200-8:http      ESTABLISHED
    Not running test server
    Active Connections
      Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
      TCP         Striker:55605          ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:52662          ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:52661          ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:8081           ESTABLISHED
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP        Striker:35623          TIME_WAIT
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49914  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49915  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49916  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49917  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49918  ESTABLISHED
      TCP       dhcp-077-250-092-220:49919  ESTABLISHED
      TCP     dhcp-077-250-092-220:49929  ESTABLISHED
      TCP    Striker:49176          ESTABLISHED
      TCP    ULTIMATE:35623         ESTABLISHED
      TCP    Striker:35623          ESTABLISHED
      TCP    pool-108-34-36-62:http  TIME_WAIT
      TCP    a95-100-96-200:http    TIME_WAIT
      TCP    a95-100-96-210:http    TIME_WAIT
  11. Striker Lord reporter

    If need be, we can start a remote session where you can have a look and gather some extra info. We just need to set up the details (date/time and online chat/teamspeak location)

  12. remygrandin NA repo owner

    It seem the SE/SESE server don't have any connexion port opened, which explain why you don't see it in the in-game list ...

    Sadly, if running the service manualy don't work, then it's an SESE issue and not an SESM one. I can't help you there as i don't know enough of the inner working of SESE to debugg this. You should open an issue on the SESE bugtracker ( and specify that you can launch it as a standalone server but not as a service.

  13. Striker Lord reporter

    The servers that do show on the WAN and LAN list are not in this list either; iCare Production - port 27016 (showing in list) iCare PVP arena - port 27019 (showing in list) iCare test server - port 27017 (not showing in list)

    all the servers where empty at the time, that may be the reason why the ports don't show in the active connection list. I'll try and see if i can get a list of the ports that are actively listening instead of only active, but that will be a job for later this week.

    we will also report this on the SESE bugtracker.

  14. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Yes, probably. Also, i forgot to mention but a "netstat -a" would show all open port, including non connected one

  15. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Have you changed the steam port ? if so, you shoudl change it back to it's original value 8768, Also, check that your firwall allow outbound udp connexion from 8768.

    Anyway, as said, if the service launched manually don't work, it's definitly either a host configuration problem or an SESE one

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