Manual or automatic start of world service

Issue #66 resolved
Former user created an issue

Omega: Hey! how is it goin? :)

Aaah the new DX11 is awesome but it messes with a lot of my games :'( but still eeeh ok ontopic: i have a small suggestion for SESM :) (took me a while to think of one since its as close to perfection as i can think :D )

would it be possible to set a "start automatically with host" option? becouse when i start the VM with windows for SEMS it loads all the server instances at once. and some are offline becouse of the DX11 mod problems. if this is possible could you also implement a delay of start of service (i know i'm demanding but hey someones gotta do it ;) )


hmm, it would be feasible in theory, i could add a checkbox which if checked set the service as automatic start and if not as a manual start. The only delay that could be applyed would be the standard "Automatic (Delayed start)" service startup mode which would delay the start of the server by ~120 seconds. I can't handle the host startup service start directly in SESM as ... i don't have any way of telling if the SESM startup itself (the IIS startup if you prefer) is the result of the host startup or an SESM update or any other reason ... ^^

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion, I will add it as soon as I finished the permission rewrite (which should still take a few weeks). in the meanwhile, would you mind creting an issue for this in the bug tracker so i won't forget :

Thanks in advance

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