After logging in once and then logging out or restarting the server, I am unable to log back in

Issue #69 resolved
Zach Risher created an issue

After opening the IIS Server Manager, selecting SESM under Sites, stopping it, and starting it, I am unable to log in with existing accounts. After providing credentials and submitting the form, I'm presented with this validation error

"The server challenge has expired or haven't been generated "

This is using SESM v 3.7.2.

Comments (4)

  1. Zach Risher reporter

    I was able to log in with the Admin account today, which allowed me to see that this error "The server challenge has expired or haven't been generated " also occurs if I log into an existing account successfully, log out, and attempt to log back in.

  2. Zach Risher reporter

    Fixed this, sorry, not an SESM issue. It seemed like a cookie thing, and it was indeed resolved by using a browser other than the IE browser on the local machine. Probably due to its security settings.

    Hopefully this issue will help others in the same situation though, as that was the browser I immediately went to when installing.

    Perhaps adding "Please check your cookie settings" to this error message would help others.

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