SEGetVersion Error: Missing Keyword!

Issue #72 resolved
Striker Lord created an issue

since 2 weeks now i am having a problem where SE will not update nor get it's current version information, if i manualy update the game files with SteamCMD is does start in the updated version according to the game file logs, but it does not show in the serverlist of the clients.

Actions: manual update SteamCMD -> no help reinstall SESM -> no help removed installed game files for reinstall -> no help

Can we fix this?

2015-08-22 17:25:49.8953|Info: Retrieving local version :  
2015-08-22 17:25:50.0303|Info: Starting SteamCMD (60 secs Max) 
2015-08-22 17:25:50.0303|Debug: Arguments :  +@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +force_install_dir C:\SpaceEngineers\SyncData\ +login Anonymous +app_status 298740 +quit 
2015-08-22 17:25:50.0303|Debug: Start of SteamCMD output : 
2015-08-22 17:25:52.8735|Debug:     Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation 
2015-08-22 17:25:52.8735|Debug:     -- type 'quit' to exit -- 
2015-08-22 17:25:53.0575|Debug:     Loading Steam API...OK. 
2015-08-22 17:25:53.0575|Debug:      
2015-08-22 17:25:54.3106|Debug:     Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK 
2015-08-22 17:25:57.6428|Debug:     Waiting for license info...OK 
2015-08-22 17:25:59.2429|Debug: End of SteamCMD output 
2015-08-22 17:25:59.2429|Info: Process closed itself gracefully 
2015-08-22 17:25:59.2429|Error: Missing keyword ! 
2015-08-22 17:25:59.2429|Info: Retrieving remote version :  
2015-08-22 17:25:59.3509|Info: Starting SteamCMD (60 secs Max) 
2015-08-22 17:25:59.3509|Debug: Arguments :  +@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +force_install_dir C:\SpaceEngineers\SyncData\ +login Anonymous +app_info_request 298740 +app_info_update +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print 298740 +quit 
2015-08-22 17:25:59.3509|Debug: Start of SteamCMD output : 
2015-08-22 17:26:02.0540|Debug:     Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation 
2015-08-22 17:26:02.0540|Debug:     -- type 'quit' to exit -- 
2015-08-22 17:26:02.2930|Debug:     Loading Steam API...OK. 
2015-08-22 17:26:02.9391|Debug:      
2015-08-22 17:26:04.1891|Debug:     Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK 
2015-08-22 17:26:06.8933|Debug:     Waiting for license info...OK 
2015-08-22 17:26:09.9945|Debug: End of SteamCMD output 
2015-08-22 17:26:09.9945|Info: Process closed itself gracefully 
2015-08-22 17:26:09.9945|Error: Missing keyword ! 
2015-08-22 17:26:09.9945|Info: Fail retrieving one of the version (try 1 of 5), waiting and retrying ... 

Comments (4)

  1. Micah M

    Any luck Striker? I've been doing all sorts of process dumps and traces and have yet to find the issue. The only thing I seam to be able to find is SteamCMD acts differently under a regular admin user and the system account. There is much less output and I'm not sure why, but it appears to do the requested task. I'm guessing the lack of output is the "Missing keyword".

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