SESM.config Not generating

Issue #73 new
Former user created an issue

I created the website as instructed in IIS. The app pool is running as admin. The website is pointing to the correct directory. Read/write/execute permissions are correct. I connect to seadmin.*.lol and I just get a white page. No SESM.config was generated. No Errors. E

Comments (9)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    What is your os version? Can you try to open the website frome the server itself, as localhost?

  2. Cody Ardoin

    Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition. I am using a IIS host @ I am running multiple websites. I have found that it has something to do with the web.config

  3. Cody Ardoin

    If i remove it, I am presented with directory browser instead of a blank white page. I have all the prerequisites.

  4. Cody Ardoin

    I tried to use the installer, but it wanted to install SQL Express 2008 when I already had 2014 & It tried to install webdeploy/IIS when I already had the latest version of that, So I tried to do a manual Install

  5. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Yeah, the installer is a bit bulky, works for 90% of needs, I'm sorry you were in this 10%.

    Anyway, the Web. Config file is totally mandatory for the app to run properly as it's (basically) the one that tell iis that the file should be read as asp. Net and not as simple files (that's why without it it try to list the folders content. Can you please do the following : - stop the sesm, website in iis manager - delete the content of c:/sesm (or whatever folder you have chosen while creation the iis website) - run the autodeploy.bat again as administrator and upload the created autodeploy.log on and post the link here.

    Also, please make sure you have your Windows server totally up to date on the mandatory updates and (preferably but not mandatory) on the optional ones

  6. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Ok, according to the deployement log, the deployment went well. So the issue can only come from the IIS configuration. Please (re)check those :

    • Check that the SESM website is linked to the right app pool (.Net 4.5 in your case) and not a self created one
    • Check that the .Net 4.5 app pool have an admin account set as identity
    • Do the admin account you use for the app pool have a password ? if not, it must have one for the app pool to be able to use it correctly.
    • is the admin account you are using the primarly created one (named Administrator) or was it created by your server provider (if your server is a hosted one) or was did you created it yourself

    Sorry if i make you recheck some thing that may seam obvious, but those are the only problems i see that could arise

  7. Cody Ardoin

    I have checked, checked and recheck. All permissions are correct. The admin account is made by me

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