nao consigo ver a tela de entrada do site

Issue #75 new
kozaky koul created an issue

olá a todos, segui o tutorial do site para instalar o "sesm" para obter esse serviço mas nao consigo ver a tela do site pra mim...

aqui segue o link para visualizar:

Comments (4)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    I'm sorry I don't speak spanish or portugese, please restate your issue in english or french

  2. cptfred

    He said, he followed up the tutorial to install SESM but he cannot see the screen on background (it seems that his template is not correctly showed)

    Ps: he is brasilian ;)

  3. remygrandin NA repo owner

    It's probably a deployment issue, try to download the lastest version of SESM and run the AutoDeploy.bat as administrator. if your issue is still here, please post here the generated AutoDeploy.log

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