global settings page loading forever, server state unknown, server maps not loading, diagnosis 404

Issue #80 resolved
Snaep created an issue

current sesm version: 4.2 windows version: 8.1 (x64)

sesm basedir: C:\sesm SpaceEngineers basedir: C:\SpaceEngineers

default settings (according to setup guide) for sqlexpress default settings (according to setup guide) for iis site except port binding to 8080

instance name: tnct

problems occur after initial setup of sesm with the given installer from the downloads section.

problem description: settings page - the global settings page won't load. it hangs at Loading... - the settings page for space engineers and se server extender take a long time to load, but they load eventually

server page: - im unable to start any server I setup, after clicking on Quick Actions->Start Server a message pops up saying the server started, but no process is created and the state of the instance stays at unknown, no log files given except service.log: [...]instancename started by Admin[...]

server options.maps manager: - the page hangs at Loading... , clicking on New->Create just creates a message saying it will take some time, but no process starts and no log file entry is created - somehow right-clicking on the loading... - bar allows me to "load" it, resulting in Error saying MapDir field must be provided. after that, the page blocks in a loading screen (like global settings)

diagnosis page: - trying to access localhost:8080/Settings/Diagnosis results in a 404 page - I tried to following versions in sesms config file (SESM\SESM.config): v1: <add key="DiagnosisEnabled" value="True" /> v2: <add key="Diagnosis" value="True"/> v3: <add key="Diagnosis" value="True"/> <add key="DiagnosisEnabled" value="True" /> v4: <add key="Diagnosis" value="True"/> <add key="DiagnosisEnabled" value="False" />

no version worked. (maybe the file is missing at SESM\Views\Settings\ ?)

  • se updates are working
  • se extender updates are working

-starting SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe works fine and player can join the instance normally.

I just created a single issue, because I think all of this is kinda related... I hope you can help me (:

Comments (7)

  1. remygrandin NA repo owner

    Currently, the diagnosis page is not there anymore (I still want to re-integrate it, ...when I will have some time to do it ^^)

    The "long" time to load SE or SESE can be normal, depending on your connection and on steam network load.

    For the other page to hang, you probable havn't set correctly either the app pool or the app pool identity. Please ensure it is set to an admin account (it must have a password). If your account is a microsoft one (if its the same you use as an email for exemple) you might whant to add another admin account dedicated for SESM

  2. Snaep reporter

    hey, thank you for your reply.

    I created a new application pool only for sesm, updated the settings accordingly and it appears to be working fine.

    (at least it updated a few minutes ago - i'll verify it with the update tomorrow and will close this issue on success.)

    thank you for your effort ! (:

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