Login issue

Issue #85 new
marek w created an issue

You know about this one, just thought best post it in here for ease of resolution and so i can list everything that i've done so far that i'm hoping will help

When logging in, there appears to be a loop where any account with only a "server role" cannot view the server and continually gets looped back to the dashboard. The issue appears to be intermitent, happens some times (80% if the time) but allows access other times.

Details of current troubleshooting:

  • Creating a new server role issue persists.
  • Deleting all servers roles but one, issue persists
  • Clearing perf data, and turning perf data off completely, issue persists.
  • Reapplying the SESM files, issue is resolved for 5-10 mins, then returns
  • Backdating to 4.1.1 (no planets) issue appears to be resolved, updating to 4.2, issue returns
  • Removing any cpu cap on IIS or the DB, issues persists.
  • Restarting IIS / DB issue persists

Conclusions so far:

  • Appears to be a permission issue with classes other than SuperAdmin. I have NOT tried with HostRoles, but it happens on all Server Roles
  • Could be some kind of "looping" issue, when a user logs in, it can happen immedietly, but wait 5-10 mins and it may resolve itself. Then return later. Could indicate some kind of cron or something that runs out at that period that then allows log in?
  • Happens on fresh installs of SESM using auto installer straight to 4.2. Have not tested without auto installer.
  • Some control panels work fine on 4.2, or it happens less. I have compared details between the two, one that works, one that does not, for IIS, and config files. they are identical.
  • Thought it might be something to do with installed straight to 4.2, but issue also happens on some that have been upgraded from older versions.
  • Less servers per control panel does not appear to make any different to the issue. Issue happens with 20 servers or with 5 servers per control panel

If there's anything else i think of, ill add it here. As always thank you for all your work!

Comments (3)

  1. marek w reporter

    Could be possibly something to do with the Disk.

    I was testing loging in whilst watching disk use. When disk use % was high, 90% + the login issue was there. When the disk use % was low, i was able to login correctly.

    Whether this was a coincidence or not, i don't know.

  2. marek w reporter

    On a side note, which could be related, see here: http://prntscr.com/980hrx there's loads of medieval engineers disk processes going off that shoots up disk usage, and is also appears to be happening when the login issue is there. But i do not have any ME servers or it even installed.

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