Unusual backup issue

Issue #91 wontfix
marek w created an issue

Every now and again there is an anomaly with the backup's. It creates a .new folder in the active save folder, then moves the sandbox_0_0_0.sbs into that, then rendering the server unable to find the sandbox file, crashing it and then failing to start up with the error in the log:

2016-01-14 10:15:28.505 - Thread: 8 -> Loading session: C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\SESM_24_TheXPGamers\Saves\Shackologispace (3) 2016-01-14 10:15:29.517 - Thread: 8 -> Failed to deserialize file 'C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\SESM_24_TheXPGamers\Saves\Shackologispace (3)\SANDBOX_0_0_0_.sbs' 2016-01-14 10:15:29.517 - Thread: 8 -> Incorrect save data 2016-01-14 10:15:29.517 - Thread: 8 -> Exception while loading world: Sector could not be loaded

It can be resolved by moving the file/s in the .new folder back to the save folder then deleting the .new folder

Comments (5)

  1. marek w reporter

    It also adds a (2) to the end of the sandbox file so renaming it to: SANDBOX_0_0_0_ (2).sbs Perhaps this could indicate some of the issue, as it is for some reason seeing 2 of the files? (even though there is only one, or atleast that i can see)

    So you also have to remove the (2) to fix it

  2. marek w reporter

    The above solution does not always work. Restoring the last backup without the .new folder in it, resolve the issue

  3. remygrandin NA repo owner

    The .new folder is created by the se server and is totally ignored by sesm. The backup job only save directly the selected save folder content as a zip in the backup directory, without any change to the original and without any temporary files.

    This is not an sesm issue but a SE or a user one.

  4. marek w reporter

    Ahh i see, however its strange as the issue does not happen when the backups are disabled, and has been noted to happen at the same time a backup is being taken

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