ExternalLibraries' configure.sh scripts handle /usr inconistently

Issue #1006 new
Roland Haas repo owner created an issue

library path used for -L should not contain the system paths at least /lib, /lib64, /usr/lib, /usr/lib64, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/lib64 (plus MacOS equivalents, and any other OS we support).

Keyword: ExternalLibraries

Comments (10)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    The -L path should not contain those libraries that are searched by default. The reason is that otherwise these system locations are potentially searched first, making it impossible to replace libraries that already exist on the system. That is, if we want to provide a library via ExternalLibraries (e.g. HDF5) that already exists on the system, the linker may then choose the system library instead, which would be wrong.

    /opt/local etc. (the "Mac OS X equivalents") are not part of the default search path, and should not be excluded.

    /usr/include and /usr/local/include should be excluded from -I (include path).

  2. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    What happens if I want to use a version of HDF5 installed via MacPorts in /opt/local and a version of OpenMPI installed in /my/weird/path rather than the version installed by MacPorts in /opt/local? If the HDF5 thorn adds /opt/local/lib to the library search path, how can I guarantee that the linker will use the OpenMPI version from /my/weird/path instead of the version in /opt/local/lib?

  3. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    It turns out that this was not just a theoretical question; this is the exact cause of the problem I am fighting right now. The problem is not restricted to the system locations, it includes any location which might have more than one library present. Once any thorn has asked for that location to be added to the library path, you are at risk of getting all the libraries in that path from that location, irrespective of where you intended to get them from. For example, I have OpenMPI installed both by MacPorts in /opt/local and by the system in /usr. I also have HDF5 installed by MacPorts in /opt/local. Once HDF5 has added /opt/local/lib to the library path, there is no way to stop OpenMPI also being picked up from /opt/local/lib when I wanted the version in /usr.

    Can one use an absolute path with "-l" to choose a specific version of a library?

  4. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    What you want to ensure is not possible. One can try to carefully order the search paths (i.e. first locations for individual libraries, then locations containing multiple libraries, then standard locations), but this is also not guaranteed to work in all cases.

    Using absolute paths for include paths requires modifying the source code. Alternatively, one could set up symbolic links from a single directory that is searched first.

    The problem is made even more difficult since both libraries and include files depend on other libraries or include files, and their search paths may be even more difficult to set.

  5. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    Should we think about implementing the symbolic link solution? I dread to think of how much work that will be, to get it correct on all systems for all libraries. But it should be rock-solid once it is done, and this will also provide a clear way to see exactly which libraries are used by a given configuration.

    The problem seems to be that the "standard" method for handling libraries does not take account of having multiple versions of the library in different locations, some of which might contain more than one library.

  6. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    I would not implement this, because it makes Cactus different from essentially any other Unix package. I believe that there will always be a work-around if we encounter a problem in practice.

    One difficulty would be that we have to track not just the files we include and link, but also their dependencies.

  7. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:1 eschnett]:

    The -L path should not contain those libraries that are searched by default. The reason is that otherwise these system locations are potentially searched first, making it impossible to replace libraries that already exist on the system. That is, if we want to provide a library via ExternalLibraries (e.g. HDF5) that already exists on the system, the linker may then choose the system library instead, which would be wrong.

    /opt/local etc. (the "Mac OS X equivalents") are not part of the default search path, and should not be excluded.

    /usr/include and /usr/local/include should be excluded from -I (include path).

    This fails on OSX using homebrew where gcc does not by default look in /usr/local/XXX. So it does not find even the homebrew-installed hdf5 libraries unless one explicitly adds -L/usr/local/lib to the paths. The current gcc man page states:

               Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be searched for header
               files.  This can be used to override a system header file, substituting your own version,
               since these directories are searched before the system header file directories.  However,
               you should not use this option to add directories that contain vendor-supplied system
               header files (use -isystem for that).  If you use more than one -I option, the directories
               are scanned in left-to-right order; the standard system directories come after.
               If a standard system include directory, or a directory specified with -isystem, is also
               specified with -I, the -I option is ignored.  The directory is still searched but as a
               system directory at its normal position in the system include chain.  This is to ensure
               that GCC's procedure to fix buggy system headers and the ordering for the "include_next"
               directive are not inadvertently changed.  If you really need to change the search order
               for system directories, use the -nostdinc and/or -isystem options.

    so removing the "standard" directories from -I is not required for gcc (but may be for other compilers). Not having to remove them ourselves would avoid putting information about the compiler behaviour into the configuration scripts for external libraries.

  8. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    Removing the standard paths is necessary since otherwise the wrong library may be found. Consider a system where GSL is installed both in /usr/lib and in /home/geek. Assume that the one in /usr/lib is outdated and should not be used. If /usr/lib makes it onto the search path before /home/geek, then the wrong library will be used. The same holds for include directories. The default paths are dangerous because they contain so many libraries.

    With Homebrew, you should add /usr/local/lib to LIBDIRS, and maybe /usr/local/include to SYS_INC_DIRS.

  9. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    I was only thinking of -I (and -isystem) since there seems to be no similar logic for -L documented in gcc. My comment was not really clear about this, sorry. Since it fails for both "lib" and "include" dirs on homebrew, the comment evolved as I went along in making it work for me. So it seems that for "include" on can (using gcc) safely use -I but one cannot use -L for "lib" for the reasons Erik outlined.

    LIBDIRS and SYS_INC_DIRS seem like better solutions though, so I have updated my changes for osx-yosemite-homebrew to instead use them. They will make homebrew look a little bit more like a Linux system.

  10. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    The linker probably has a similar option to -isystem, but it may not be re-exported via gcc. Using '-Wl,-syslibroot' may work for OS X. It's probably a different option for Linux, since Linux and OS X linkers are very different.

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