Improve flesh MPI configuration messages

Issue #1007 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

When using ExternalLibraries/MPI, the flesh prints the message "Configuring without MPI" because the flesh MPI support is not being used. This could be confusing. The attached patch changes the messages to read

Configuring with flesh MPI Warning: use of flesh MPI via MPI option is deprecated and should be replaced with the thorn ExternalLibraries/MPI and its MPI_DIR option

when the flesh MPI is being used, and

Configuring without flesh MPI support (MPI may be provided by a thorn)

when it is not.

OK to apply?


Comments (4)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    The message "Configuring without flesh MPI support (MPI may be provided by a thorn)" is confusing; I would omit it. Alternatively, say something like "old-style MPI configuration disabled" or so, to make it clear that this "without MPI" is to be expected.

    Apart from this: please apply.

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