URL field should be optional

Issue #1045 new
Ian Hinder created an issue

In a CRL file, it should be possible to have only an AUTH_URL field and omit the URL field, since it might be that there is no unauthenticated way to access the repository (e.g. for private repositories). At the moment, when I omit the URL field for a Git repository, the error message is:

Use of uninitialized value $git_repo in substitution (s///) at ./GetComponents line 589.
Use of uninitialized value $git_repo in substitution (s///) at ./GetComponents line 590.
Use of uninitialized value $rec{"GIT_REPO"} in substitution (s///) at ./GetComponents line 593.
Use of uninitialized value $rec{"GIT_REPO"} in substitution (s///) at ./GetComponents line 594.


Comments (1)

  1. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    Currently the optional field is AUTH_URL. If you only want to pass a single URL since then you can pass only URL and it will be used for both URL and AUTH_URL.

    On the other hand, GetComponents should abort if a required field is missing rather than produce some Perl warning.

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