Adams-Bashforth time integrator

Issue #1134 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

The attached patch implements Adams-Bashforth time integration in MoL and provides a WaveToy test case.

Adams-Bashforth integrators calculate a high-order extrapolation with a single RHS evaluation by combining it with results from previous time steps. This requires multiple time levels for the RHS variables.


Comments (3)

  1. Roland Haas repo owner
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    Patch looks mostly good. Coeffs seem ok, but I only checked the 3rd order coeffs against the NR Adams-Bashforth-Moulton coeffs (and had previously checked that those are 3rd order convergent).

    Minor things:

    • it might be good to name the method "Adams-Bashforth" instead of "AB" in param.ccl
    • there is no test right now that the RHS variables have the required number of timelevels. Best would be to check in ParamCheck and to also in MoL_ABAdd (in case someone changed storage)
    • the AB method should be added to MoL's documentation.tex in the methods section. I provide a patch which really only copies the references from the code into the section and adds some text.
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