simfactory option list for Mac OSX

Issue #1157 resolved
Pau Figueras created an issue

In the option list for osx-lion-macports-gcc.cfg it says that one should have installed the following macports: szip, gcc46, fftw, fftw-3, gsl, openssl, hdf5-18 +gcc46 -universal, zlib, openmpi +gcc46

With these ports installed, the following compiler error occurs:

ld: library not found for -lhdf5hl_fortran collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: [/Users/paufigueras/Universitat/Cactus/exe/cactus_testconfig] Error 1 make: [testconfig] Error 2

To fix it, one should install the hdf5 port with the fortran variant. In other words, in the ports list above one should replace:

hdf5-18 +gcc46 -universal -> hdf5-18 +fortran +gcc46 -universal


Comments (7)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    That's because thorn HDF5 enables Fortran for HDF5 by default. Nothing within the toolkit still needs that, so we could change the default. I don't want to do that before the release though. An easy fix should be to define HDF5_ENABLE_FORTRAN=no in the option list (likewise for HDF5_ENABLE_CXX=no).

  2. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    Another easy fix would be to build HDF5 ourselves.

    I prefer these "generic" option lists to be as simple as possible, and to have as few requirements as possible.

  3. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    Yes. However, building it ourselves takes quite a while and if we suggest a list of packages anyway we may as well ask for hdf5 there as well.

  4. Barry Wardell
    • removed comment

    In this case, I think the easiest thing is to just update the instructions in the file, as suggested. It's really very little extra effort when the other packages are being installed by MacPorts anyway.

  5. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:2 eschnett]:

    Another easy fix would be to build HDF5 ourselves.

    I prefer these "generic" option lists to be as simple as possible, and to have as few requirements as possible.

    I agree that we should have a "generic" option which gets people up and running. Cactus is supposed to be able to autoconfigure itself. I would rather put effort into getting that to work properly, and have it build its own libraries if the ones it finds are not appropriate. We should be able to run either without an optionlist or with a single generic one on all platforms.

    I don't see the OS X optionlist in question as a "generic" optionlist; it is the optionlist that I use for my normal work on a well-defined and common platform (OS X with MacPorts). Rather than recompiling libraries every time I wipe a configuration, I would rather compile it once and have it available to the entire OS. I consider it a production configuration, and I care very much if it takes a long time to build.

    I'm testing the macports modification instruction now, and will update the comments in the file as Barry suggested. After the release, we can modify the HDF5 thorn to not require C++ and Fortran support, which will allow us to use a much larger number of standard HDF5 installations.

  6. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    I have updated the instructions in the Lion and Mountain Lion optionlists. The change to the default values of the HDF5 options has been requested in #1158. Closing ticket. Thanks for reporting!

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