Error while building multiple configurations

Issue #117 new
Erik Schnetter created an issue

I wanted to build multiple configurations at once with the command

./simfactory/sim build sim-debug sim

sim-debug is a debug configuration, sim is optimised. SimFactory built sim-debug, then aborted with the error:

optionlist is: /Users/eschnett/EinsteinToolkit-hg/configs/sim/OptionList Error: pattern '^\sDEBUG\s=.*$' exists already

It assumes that SimFactory doesn't properly distinguish between the different build options of the different configurations.


Comments (2)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    We could just declare this as missing feature, and set it to wishlist - or declare that 'sim build' only takes one argument and then we can remove the ticket altogether. Nobody really seemed to care within the last three years, and a ticket that is dormant for so long isn't helping.

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