GRHydro synchronises too many variables

Issue #142 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

Variables without storages should not be synchronised. When running GRHydro, I see the following warnings:

WARNING[L2,P0] (Carpet): Cannot synchronise group "HYDROBASE::TEMPERATURE" because it has no storage WARNING[L2,P0] (Carpet): Cannot synchronise group "HYDROBASE::Y_E" because it has no storage WARNING[L2,P0] (Carpet): Cannot synchronise group "GRHYDRO::Y_E_CON" because it has no storage


Comments (2)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    I am tempted to say that this warning should not have level 2, or be no warning at all. Of course a variable without storage should (and cannot) be synchronized. It should most likely just be skipped without warning. Otherwise schedule.ccl would have to contain a lot of additional lines just to make sure that no sync has been requested for all possible parameter settings which influence storage.

    It was not clear to me what you suggest with the ticket. They already are not synchronized, there is nothing to synchronize without storage. I propose to either remove the warning entirely or to give it a really high level.

  2. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    I have updated the Mercurial version of Carpet to not output a warning in this case.

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