TwoPunctures: output individual ADM masses even when tuning

Issue #150 resolved
Bernard Kelly created an issue

Can we output the individual puncture ADM mass post-solve in TwoPunctures? At present (Chandrasekhar stable release), they're only quoted if we're tuning the mass through iterative solves (which, I suppose, is what most people do).

This requires only a handful of extra lines. I'm attaching an "svn diff" of my local version, which has this enabled.


Comments (5)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    Why is PunctIntPolAtArbitPosition used, and not, as in the total ADM mass, PunctEvalAtArbitPosition? Otherwise the patch looks fine, despite the few unrelated changes.

  2. Bernard Kelly reporter
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:2 knarf]:

    Why is PunctIntPolAtArbitPosition used, and not, as in the total ADM mass, PunctEvalAtArbitPosition? Otherwise the patch looks fine, despite the few unrelated changes.

    Good question: I hadn't noticed the distinction, as I copied the new lines from what's in the earlier Newton-search loop. Perhaps they should -all- be PunctEvalAtArbitPosition (I assume the speed difference is negligible when evaluating at only two points)?

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