Cactus should have an option to store the mpirun command needed to run test cases

Issue #207 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

Cactus should be able to remember from configuration the mpirun command syntax needed to run test cases. This would simplify running test cases, which could then probably even be automated.


Comments (5)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • changed status to resolved
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    It does: you can set an environment variable, e.g.:

    CCTK_TESTSUITE_RUN_COMMAND="mpirun -np \$nprocs \$exe \$parfile"

  2. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • changed status to open
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    I don't see this variable mentioned anywhere except in the test suite. Does Cactus really remember this setting when I configure it? How can I then extract it later?

    In other words: I want to configure Cactus and pass the mpirun command as configuration option (or have SimFactory do it). Cactus would remember this, and use it when running test cases. This way, I don't have to specify this command when I run test cases.

  3. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:2 eschnett]:

    I don't see this variable mentioned anywhere except in the test suite. Does Cactus really remember this setting when I configure it? How can I then extract it later?

    No, it doesn't remember it. However, you only have to set it once for a given system (say, in your shell startup file, or within simfactory). Automated tests are possible using this variable.

    I agree that Cactus could store whatever it reads on stdin for an interactive testsuite-run though, and make that the default when started a second time. This wouldn't help much with automated tests except something 'knows' how Cactus remembers that (but it shouldn't do that, it should instead use the environment variable). We could in addition do the same for the number of mpi processes used for the testsuites - which also looks at an environment variable at the moment.

  4. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    Cactus should look at a file configs/CONFIGNAME/testsuite-info to get (if present) the values of the variables CCTK_TESTSUITE_RUN_COMMAND and CCTK_TESTSUITE_RUN_PROCESSORS. These should be used (if present) as defaults in an interactive dialog, or if PROMPT=no is set as environment variable, except if overwritten by a set environment variable of the same name.

    The syntax should be simple key-value pairs on lines, similarly to config-info in the same directory.

  5. Ian Hinder
    • changed status to resolved
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    Remembering commands necessary for running Cactus is a job that SimFactory does well. SimFactory now supports running the test suites using the mpirun command from its machine database. I am closing this ticket as WONTFIX as it's already possible to achieve the same functionality using SimFactory. Reopen if you disagree.

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