compile error is not linked

Issue #281 resolved
Frank Löffler created an issue

Info: Simfactory command: /home/knarf/utils/simfactory/lib/ "build" "sim" "--thornlist" "NewSchedule/" "--optimise" Info: Version 1195M The Simulation Factory: Manage Cactus simulations

Info: defs: /home/knarf/utils/simfactory/etc/defs.ini Info: defs.local: /home/knarf/utils/simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini Info: Executing command: build Using configuration: sim Info: Cactus Directory: /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule Info: HasStoredOptions: True Info: Use stored options list: /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/configs/sim/OptionList Info: optionlist is: /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/configs/sim/OptionList Info: hasOutdatedConfig: False Info: build_reconfig: False Info: build_clean: False Info: removeConfig: False SubmitScript is: None Info: RunScript is: /home/knarf/utils/simfactory/mdb/runscripts/ Info: ThornList is: /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/NewSchedule/ Building sim ______________ Cactus - version: 4.0.b17 Building configuration sim ______________ Checking status of thorn BLAS ______________ Checking status of thorn Boundary ______________ ______________ Checking status of thorn Vectors ______________ /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/arrangements/CactusBase/Boundary/src/Check.c:18:2: error: #error "die" Preprocessing /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/arrangements/CactusBase/Boundary/src/Check.c Compiling /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/arrangements/CactusBase/Boundary/src/Check.c Checking status of thorn IOUtil ______________ ______________ /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/arrangements/CactusBase/Boundary/src/Check.c:18:2: error: #error "die" make[3]: * [Check.c.o] Error 1 make[2]: * [make.checked] Error 2 make[1]: * [/home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule/configs/sim/lib/libthorn_Boundary.a] Error 2 make[1]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs.... ______________ make[1]: * wait: No child processes. Stop. make: * [sim] Error 2 Info: executing command: /bin/bash -c '{ :; } && { cd /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule && nice make -j3 sim 2>&1; }'

Error while executing command "/bin/bash -c '{ :; } && { cd /home/knarf/Cactus_NewSchedule && nice make -j3 sim 2>&1; }'": Command returned exit status 2


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