Hydro_InitExcision test cases failing - shift_state = 0 no longer supported

Issue #489 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

All of the Hydro_InitExcision test cases are failing. The error seems to be

WARNING level 0 in thorn GRHydro processor 0 host sl-18.damiana.admin (line 128 of GRHydro_Boundaries.F90): -> shift_state = 0 (no shift storage) no longer supported! WARNING level 0 in thorn GRHydro processor 0 host sl-18.damiana.admin (line 128 of GRHydro_Boundaries.F90): -> shift_state = 0 (no shift storage) no longer supported!

They started failing on 04-08-2011 when this check was added in GRHydro. See attached diff for what changed in the Cactus tree between the test passing and failing.

I don't know the code, but would it make sense to change

ADMBase::initial_shift = "none"


ADMBase::initial_shift = "zero"

in the test parameter files?

Keyword: Hydro_InitExcision

Comments (3)

  1. Bruno Mundim
    • removed comment

    I don't know the code, but would it make sense to change

    ADMBase::initial_shift = "none"


    ADMBase::initial_shift = "zero"

    in the test parameter files?

    yes, that's correct! please apply.

  2. Ian Hinder reporter
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    Committed in changeset:118/EinsteinInitialData/Hydro_InitExcision. Tests pass again.

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