Add all ET repositories to TRAC

Issue #519 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

TRAC provides integration with version control systems. It has a list of repositories, and specific changesets and files can be referred to in ticket comments and wiki pages using a convenient syntax. Several ET repositories have been added already. I think this feature is useful, and that the remaining repositories should be added.

It would be nice if the links were easier to type. I propose omitting the arrangement name from the repositories, as all thorn names are probably unique, and avoiding spaces which require extra quoting. We have several repositories in Git and Mercurial. It would be nice to include those as well. I believe that there are TRAC plugins to accomplish this in the same way as for SVN.


Comments (4)

  1. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    There are identical names of thorns in ExternalLibraries and CactusExternal (which is to be retired anyway though apparently).

  2. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    I included the arrangement name, and added all thorns in the ET thornlist which are handled locally ( and

  3. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    Great, thanks! I modified the front TRAC page to show how to refer to a changeset in the new format. Shall we rename the other repositories that have spaces in them? For example:

    Cactus-flesh Cactus-scratch (??) Cactus-www

    otherwise you have to quote these in a very specific way when referring them, or the TRAC link doesn't work. Is it possible to add simfactory, from That is still "local" in the network sense, so shouldn't lead to too much load, if that's what you were worried about.

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