Pass unallocated arrays to Fortran as NULL pointers

Issue #581 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

The deleted comment is wrong. We should always pass unallocated arrays to Fortran to catch allocation errors.


Comments (4)

  1. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    while I think I can definitely construct a situation where a compiler is perfectly correct in trying to access the NULL pointer, namely something like:

    CCTK_REAL gxx(cctk_lsh(1), cctk_lsh(2), cctk_lsh(3)) CCTK_REAL betax(cctk_lsh(1), cctk_lsh(2), cctk_lsh(3)) ... gxxL = gxx(i,j,k) if( then bx = betax(i,j,k) else bx = 0.0 endif

    I think that unless we actually know of a compiler that gives segfaults in this case I would think that the benefit of having unallocated grid functions detected in Fortran outweights the undocumented behaviour we exploit here (plus we are already using undocumented/compiler-specific features when calling Fortran code from C).

    I compiles for me and seems to not crash the testsuites (gcc 4.6). Please apply.

  2. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    I did not change my mind -- I only did not want to apply this shortly before the release.


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