Avoid the need to escape wiki-words in ticket descriptions and messages

Issue #599 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

When writing a ticket description or adding a comment to a ticket, TRAC currently converts any CamelCase words into links. We often have such words when talking about the ET, as thorn names are of this form. Since there are no pages with these names, such links are broken and render in grey with a question-mark following them. I have not seen anyone use a CamelCase link deliberately in a ticket (until this one!). To make these words render properly, it is necessary to escape them by prepending a "!" character. This is tedious, and is distracting when reading the email version of the ticket.

I propose that the setting [https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/wiki/TracIni#wiki-section ignore_missing_pages] be used in the TracIni configuration file. This will cause CamelCase words which do not correspond to existing pages to render as plain text. This means an extra step when creating new pages, but that is rare in comparison to writing tickets and comments.


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