Misleading error message regarding EOS_Omni

Issue #603 resolved
anonymous created an issue

Hello, I was getting this error: INFO (GRHydro): Trying to get EOS handles WARNING level 0 in thorn Bindings processor 0 host login2.uc.futuregrid.org (line 5193 of /gpfs/home/azebro1/Cactus/configs/sim/bindings/Functions/AliasedFunctions.c): -> The function EOS_Omni_GetHandle has not been provided by any thorn in your thornlist WARNING level 0 in thorn Bindings processor 0 host login2.uc.futuregrid.org (line 5193 of /gpfs/home/azebro1/Cactus/configs/sim/bindings/Functions/AliasedFunctions.c): -> The function EOS_Omni_GetHandle has not been provided by any thorn in your thornlist cactus_sim: /gpfs/home/azebro1/Cactus/arrangements/Carpet/Carpet/src/helpers.cc:237: int Carpet::Abort(const cGH*, int): Assertion `0' failed.

But, in my thornlist, I had: EinsteinEOS/EOS_Omni # EOS_Omni ( ) [ ] { }

The actual error here is that the thorn wasn't being activated (Thanks, Dr. Schnetter!) Hopefully this won't be too hard to fix :)


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