Configuring on Kraken leads to warnings

Issue #628 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

Using current simfactory to build on Kraken leads to the following warning during configuration:

This is probably a Cray XT4 series system. Using known-architectures xt4-cray-linux This is an Cray XT4: you always need MPI! Forcing MPI to NATIVE. Unknown Linux f90 compiler. Please add appropriate information to /nics/d/home/hinder/Cactus/EinsteinToolkit/lib/make/known-architectures/linux and send the updated file to CactusMaint We will try anyway ...

Cactus should learn about this system.


Comments (3)

  1. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    I no longer have access to this system, so I can't check. Unless the known_architectures file has been updated, I don't see why it would not still be a problem.

  2. Erik Schnetter
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    It has been updated; Kraken is now treated as a regular Linux system (which it is).

    Please re-open if you still see the warning.

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