Documentation fails to build if not in an SVN checkout

Issue #631 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

With the current ET, I cannot build the documentation:

[ianhin@login-damiana EinsteinToolkit]$ make AllDoc Creating user documentation UsersGuide.pdf Running pdflatex.... ! Argument of \CA@getsvndate has an extra }. ! Paragraph ended before \CA@getsvndate was complete. ! Argument of \CA@getsvndate has an extra }. ! Paragraph ended before \CA@getsvndate was complete. ! Paragraph ended before \@parse@version was complete. ! Missing number, treated as zero. ! Missing = inserted for \ifnum. ! Missing number, treated as zero. ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. ! Undefined control sequence. Problem in . See doc/UsersGuide/LATEX_MESSAGES. make: *** [UsersGuide] Error 1

I am attaching LATEX_MESSAGES. I have tried this both on damiana and on my laptop. I consider this a blocker issue which could delay the release. We must have working documentation.


Comments (8)

  1. Ian Hinder reporter

    Aha. This seems to be related to not having an SVN directory. I had not checked out using GetComponents, but from a git mirror. The documentation system seems to assume that it lives in an SVN checkout. This is bad, but is not so serious as not having working documentation. Changing severity. (I don't know why everything has gone bold in this ticket!)

  2. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    This seems to come from magic in latex/cactus.sty that attaches the svn checkout date and svn revision number to the documentation. I would argue that we don't need this, and should disable this magic for the release. Released documentation should have the release name and release date it it anyway.

  3. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    You can work around this problem by changing

    \def\CA@styledate{\CA@getsvndate $Date$} \def\CA@styleversion{\CA@getsvnversion $Revision$}


    \def\CA@styledate{} \def\CA@styleversion{}

    in Cactus/doc/latex/cactus.sty. Someone with more latex ability than me could modify

    \def\CA@getsvndate $#1:#2-#3-#4 #5:#6:#7${#2/#3/#4} \def\CA@getsvnversion $#1:#2${#2}

    to detect that the $Date$ expansion had not been expanded to $Date: 2010-11-04 14:59:42 -0500 (Thu, 04 Nov 2010) $ and to give an empty date. Similarly for the SVN version.

  4. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    The attached patch removes the SVN date and version information. OK to apply?

  5. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    Okay to apply for the release. Please leave the ticket open; the long-term solution may be different.

  6. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    I would argue that we don't need this. Nobody asked for it within the last year and the version of that directory doesn't necessarily correspond to that of the flesh or any thorn anyway.

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