Repository and thorn names cannot be different

Issue #697 new
Erik Schnetter created an issue

I am accessing some thorns stored in git repositories at, which insists that all repository names are all lower case. I don't know how to specify this in GetComponents. When I say

!TARGET = $ARR !TYPE = git !URL = !AUTH_URL = !CHECKOUT = Arrangement/Thorn

then GetComponents does not create a symbolic link from Thorn to ../../repos/thorn, but to ../../repos/thorn/Arrangement/Thorn instead. How do I avoid this?


Comments (3)

  1. Roland Haas repo owner
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    I think this is by design :-). There was a discussion that touched this although in a slightly different context. You cannot completely overwrite the checked out path in the repository using REPO_PATH. Unless REPO_PATH contains $1 or $2 it is added to CHECKOUT. If it does contain either one, it replaces CHECKOUT in the checkout/symbolic link procedure. You can fiddle with $2 if your want, eg something like "REPO_PATH=../../arrangements/$1/../../repos/thorn" likely does the trick. This works by first backing out of repos/thorns then into arrangements/Arrangement and then back again. The whole back and forth being required to have the $1 and $2 that GetComponents looks for in order to trigger special code. Otherwise (if you want something that is actually sane :-) ) I fear one might be out of luck.

  2. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • marked as
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    Thanks for the work-around -- I'm reducing the priority of this issue now.

    As I mention above, bitbucket simply doesn't allow upper case characters, so our design needs to be updated.

  3. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    The same trick works for git-repos that only contain one thorn (at their top level). But this is just wicked. We have to find a better solution for this.

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