RotatingSymmetry90 as applied to pseudo vectors fail

Issue #729 resolved
Bruno Mundim created an issue


doing some tests today with RotatingSymmetry90 today I noticed the symmetry conditions were not applied correctly for Bvec as defined by hydrobase:

CCTK_REAL Bvec[3] type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="U" tensorparity=-1 interpolator="matter"' "Magnetic field components B^i"

The parity settings used to work until recently. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem?

Keyword: RotatingSymmetry90

Comments (12)

  1. Roland Haas repo owner
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    Hmm, RotatingSymmetry90 does not even look at `tensorparity`, which is probably ok since under a rotation both polar and axial vectors transform the same way. Is that not what you observe?

  2. Bruno Mundim reporter
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    No, this is not what I observe. Indeed it seems to happen to all kind of vectors across this kind of symmetry. It turned out that I was looking at bvec at the time. So the problem may arise when applying symmetry boundaries for vectors (tensors too?).

    I have attached two figures. One is the Bvec[1] component of B field showing the issue I am facing with the symmetry boundary for this field. The second one, added for the sake of comparison, is the density rho; its symmetry boundary condition is applied correctly.

  3. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    Would you mind also posting an image of Bvec0_z=1_0.jpg, please (or the paremeter file used), please? If I understand RotatingSymmetry correctly then its symmetry operation is:

    B_x' = -B_y B_y' = +B_x so just looking at Bvec1 is not sufficient.

  4. Bruno Mundim reporter
    • removed comment

    Apparently this is an issue with the GRMHD equations. I will run this test again soon and report back asap. Thanks, Bruno.

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