Support function READS and WRITES statements in schedule.ccl files

Issue #741 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

As part of the work on the dependency-based scheduler ( and also for writing code for non-CPU compute devices (GPUs), it is very useful to have available information about which variables are read from and written to by a scheduled Cactus function. There is a branch of the flesh (NewSchedule) on which this support has been implemented. The application-thorn writer adds READS: <vars> and WRITES: <vars> statements in the schedule definition of each function. This should be 100% backwards compatible. For convenience, a diff between the current trunk and the NewSchedule branch is attached.

OK to merge into the flesh trunk?


Comments (6)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • removed comment

    This patch has been under testing for a long time, apart from a trivial renaming (provides, requires -> writes, reads). I suggest to commit it to the flesh; there doesn't seem any benefit of keeping it on a branch.

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