New thorns ML_WaveToy and ML_WaveToy_CL

Issue #850 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

I suggest to add two new thorns to the Einstein Toolkit: ML_WaveToy and ML_WaveToy_CL. Both are generated by Kranc and distributed as part of McLachlan. The former is a standard WaveToy example, showing how a Kranc script looks like that is much simpler than that for the BSSN equations. The latter is essentially the same script, but generates OpenCL code, demonstrating the Cactus OpenCL capabilities.

The Kranc script is WaveToy.m, and is already distributed as part of the standard McLachlan distribution.


Comments (2)

  1. Barry Wardell
    • removed comment

    I agree something like this would be useful additions to the Einstein Toolkit, if only to serve as simple examples. There are also some alternatives which may be preferable to the McLachlan thorns:

    • There is a SimpleWave example included with Kranc which is almost identical to ML_WaveToy, but the Kranc script is a bit simpler.
    • There is a collection of Kranc generated scalar wave equation thorns at These are somewhat more advanced in that they solve the scalar wave equation on a curved background spacetime. This is achieved in two different ways. The first method uses a Metrics database to define the background and generates one thorn per spacetime. The second method simply reads the ADMBase variables and uses those as the background.
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