--remote execute doesn't cd into source directory

Issue #89 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

The command sim --remote numrel02 execute pwd doesn't cd into the source directory before executing pwd; instead, it executed "pwd" in the home directory.


Comments (2)

  1. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • removed comment

    I believe this requires implementing the --localdir=DIR option: when this option is given, simfactory cds into DIR before doing anything else.

  2. anonymous
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    instead of --localdir, the argument to use is --remotecactuspath. If this argument is specified, the remote command will change into the specified Cactus directory before attempting to execute its command. If this argument is not specified, the remote command will change into the 'sourcebasedir' of the remote machine before executing any commands.

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