Issue #912 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

Formaline assumes that configurations are stored in a "configs" subdirectory of $CCTK_HOME. Use $CACTUS_CONFIGS_DIR instead.


Comments (9)

  1. Steven R. Brandt
    • removed comment

    It doesn't work. The message: /bin/sh: line 1: cd: /home/sbrandt/cactus/CactusET/configs/sim: No such file or directory

    is emitted by Formaline.

    The first problem seems to be that make.configuration.deps has CACTUS_CONFIG_DIR instead of CACTUS_CONFIGS_DIR. When this is fixed, numerous errors materialize.

    cp: cannot stat ‘ScriptFile’: No such file or directory cp: cannot stat ‘Thornlist’: No such file or directory Formaline: Adding flesh to git repository... Checking status of thorn ADMAnalysis Checking status of thorn ADMBase Checking status of thorn SpaceMask Checking status of thorn AHFinder Checking status of thorn CarpetLib Checking status of thorn CarpetMask Checking status of thorn Cartoon2D Checking status of thorn EOS_Hybrid Checking status of thorn HTTPDExtra Checking status of thorn IOHDF5 Checking status of thorn NullEvolve Checking status of thorn NullNews Checking status of thorn Periodic Checking status of thorn RotatingSymmetry180 Checking status of thorn RotatingSymmetry90 Checking status of thorn TOVSolver gtar: configs/et/SubmitScript: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/make.config.deps: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/make.thornlist: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/make.config.defn: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/cctk_Config.h: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/ Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/config.status: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/make.arch.defn: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/config.cache: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/cctki_version.h: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/make.extra.defn: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/cctk_Archdefs.h: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/make.config.rules: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-data/cctk_Extradefs.h: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/properties.ini: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/OptionList: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/RunScript: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: configs/et/config-info: Cannot stat: No such file or directory gtar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

  2. Ian Hinder
    • removed comment

    Not quite. There are still assumptions that you can find the configuration files in "$(CCTK_HOME)/configs". I believe I have fixed this, and it seems to work for me both when using and not using a CACTUS_CONFIGS_DIR. The pull request is formaline_configsdir.

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