Move pthreads to ExternalLibraries

Issue #959 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

We should move pthreads support to ExternalLibraries (or to the flesh).

I have asked CCT to create the respective repository.


Comments (14)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    Most (all) of the logic of this thorn is its What about creating a patch for doing this in the flesh? I think that would probably be better than a separate thorn, or is there a reason why a thorn would be better?

  2. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    I put it in a thorn since every other external library is also in a thorn. Specifically I also have a thorn to link against Intel's trace analyzer. Currently the feature is provided by the flesh (via the extras directory in lib/make) using PTHREADS=yes which is the single last remaining user of those features. There is no code since we cannot build our own pthreads since they required kernel support and there seems to be no userland library that could be used in multiple OS in the case we encounter an system (workstation?) where the kernel provides thread support but the userland libraries are missing (like PAPI).

  3. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    Yes, I will commit the changes from the github repo to the subversion on you pointed me to.

  4. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:5 rhaas]:

    Yes, I will commit the changes from the github repo to the subversion on you pointed me to.


  5. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    Would it be ok to add this thorn to the ET (and to adjust it to use Frank's shell scripts once they are ready)?

  6. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    Erik: I added the thorn to the manifest (current DISABLED) but have trouble running your distribute script to test them on a significant number of machines.

    Would you mind updaing manifest.git and enabling PThreads then switching simfactory to remotes/origin/rhaas/pthreads then testing, please? The alternative is for me to just push the changes and wait for things to fail.

    Unfortunately adding PThreads to the thornlist causes the build to abort as long as PTHREADS=yes is set.

  7. Roland Haas repo owner
    • removed comment

    This is not fully clear. The standards document does not mention any name at all for the module. I tend to find more Pthreads in a Google search than otherwise.

    Mostly the repo is now called pthreads because CCT had already created one using all lowercase spelling (the one on GitHub was mixed case). When we move to bitbucket they will force lowercase repo names anyway. So this will become academic. Either one is fine with me.

    Shedding my bike now (and misusing the bikeshedding definition) :-)

  8. Erik Schnetter reporter
    • removed comment

    All lower case is fine. I was just surprised by PThreads (two upper case letters), which is a spelling I haven't seen anywhere.

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