Broken motor board at BRN

Issue #2 wontfix
Richard Barlow repo owner created an issue

BRN have reported to kit-support@ (via accounts@) that they have a suspected broken motor board:

One of our motor boards, 0XCA, doesn't work. We have used the other motor board which works within a particular circuit and replaced that with 0XCA and the circuit no longer works.

Comments (4)

  1. Richard Barlow reporter

    I have asked the team the following:

    1. Do they know if the motor board ever functioned correctly or is this the first time that they've come to use it.
    2. Could they describe fully how the kit was/is wired up. A photo of the kit/robot clearly showing how it's wired up will suffice.
    3. Is there any visible damage to any components on the motor board. E.g burnt out components, scorching, etc.
    4. Does the motor board have a burning or smoky smell.
    5. When switching between the boards (the one that works and the one that is suspected to be broken) did they use the exact same cables. I.e. did they have a working motor board, unplug the power and USB cable from the motor board and then plug the other one in its place.
  2. Richard Barlow reporter

    I have received an email from their LTC stating the following:

    We managed to fix the problem that this team was having with their motor board, so they no longer need a replacement.
    One of their wires which connected the motor board to the power board was broken, which has now been replaced.
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