TTN have a suspected broken Ruggeduino

Issue #4 resolved
Richard Barlow repo owner created an issue

I have received the following report from TTN via their LTC to kit-support@:

I am working with the Richard Taunton student robotics club and we seem to have an issue with the Ruggeduino - the component will not power up via the usb connection.

Could you suggest a possible way to troubleshoot the board? If the board is indeed faulty, what would be the best way to return it to you?

Comments (4)

  1. Richard Barlow reporter

    I instructed their LTC to guide them towards the forum for assistance on 2016-12-04. There have been no forum posts from them. I have enquired with the LTC to see if they contacted the team.

  2. Richard Barlow reporter

    Still not seen anything on the forum or heard anything else from the team. I'm going to close this ticket for now.

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