do not attempt reductions in local mode in SphericalSurface unless auto_res[n] is set

Issue #1056 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

currently SphericalSurface_SetupRes will attempt a reduction in local mode even if all auto_res values are false, ie if there are no spheres whose resolution is to be set automatically. This causes MPI hangs if different processors own different numbers of components, as produced by the recursive load balancer and carpet::same_number_of_components_on_each_process = false (true by default but might change).

The attached patch ameliorates the situation by only attempting a reduction if auto_res[n] is set, thus at least allowing SphericalSurface to be used when all ntheta, nphi are giving explicitly. It also adds a comment warning about auto_res.

Keyword: SphericalSurface

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