GRHydro updates

Issue #1057 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

attached please find cahnges to Zelmani/GRHydro that I would like to commit to trunk.

Philipp: this contains your hot EOS and MHD work as it is currently present in Zelmani. If this is not to be pushed yet, please let me know.

There is one new feature: reconstruct_Wv which used v^i*w_lorentz in the PPM reconstruction scheme (non-MHD only) and which can be useful to avoid PPM reconstructing speeds > c.

The other patches are mostly bugfixes to MHD and the hot EOS, plus more boilerplate (and as of yet not fully covering all routines) pointer stuff for multipatch and MHD.

The bugfix "clear atmosphere mask" is required for the real valued atmosphere mask to be correct.

Keyword: GRHydro

Comments (2)

  1. Roland Haas reporter
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    Unless there are vetos I will commit these on Monday afternoon, eastern time.

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