GRHydro: schedule GRHydro_Tmunu* only if there is Tmunu storage.

Issue #1068 resolved
Bruno Mundim created an issue

The attached patch schedule GRHydro_Tmunu* only if there is Tmunu storage.

Keyword: GRHydro Keyword: Tmunu Keyword: storage

Comments (5)

  1. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    The patch itself looks ok. I am not sure though if this is required at all. TmunuBase itself already contains a statement:

    if (stress_energy_storage) { ... SCHEDULE GROUP AddToTmunu IN SetTmunu AFTER (TmunuBase_SetTmunu,TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu) { } "Add to the stress-energy tensor here" ... } so that the whole AddToTmunu group is never scheduled unless stress_energy_state is true (or at least unless the parameter value that will be copied into stress_energy_state is true).

  2. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    Bruno: do you still think that the patch is required? If not, would you mind closing the ticket, please?

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