incorrectly quoted regular expressions in aclocal.m4

Issue #1227 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

m4 uses square brackets as quotation characters and removes one set of them per argument call. This affects regular expressions that contain character ranges. This in turn affect some HAVE_XXX macros where XXX contains invalid characters eg. XXX=math.h . The attached patch adds an extra level of [] around where the result is passed to a function. Also it seems as if the system provided AC_CHECK_FUNCS does not properly quote its third argument when passing it to AC_CHECK_FUNC. Hence I add an extra round of [] whenever it is used.

This is a mess.


Comments (6)

  1. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    Updated patch that removes a stray comma appearing in configure. Moves arguments CCTK_CHECK_LIB_FUNC around. Currently the extra arguments are ever provided so are empty.

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