allow non logged in users to change ticket status to "review"

Issue #1240 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

it would be useful if non-logged in users (eg Cactus users that do not want to get a trac account which requires a cct account, yes?) could change the ticket status at least to "review" in case a patch is contributed.


Comments (2)

  1. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    It might also be useful to be able to jump a ticket from "new" to "reviewed_ok" state which I seem to be unable to do even as a logged in user.

  2. Frank Löffler

    Status changes require quite general ticket modify permissions. I now enabled this for non-authenticated users, but in case this attracts spam or it's misused I will change it back.

    The subject anonymous has been granted the permission TICKET_MODIFY.

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