AHFinderDirect is not using the correct origin when "track_origin_from_grid_scalar = yes" when setting up ellipsoid

Issue #1241 resolved
Christian Reisswig created an issue

Problem: My horizon will appear sometimes during the simulation at some position. I don't know this position in advance, so I set origin_ and AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere___center to zero initially in my par-file. However, I have a grid scalar which tracks the coordinate location where the horizon will eventually appear. When the horizon finder starts to search for a horizon, it will first setup the coordinate ellipsoid. This routine is executed before the new origin is set from the grid scalar. The tracking occurs in the routine Newton(...). The ellipsoid is set before Newton(...) gets executed. Hence, the ellipsoid uses the value that got set via parameters (which would be zero in my case).


Comments (4)

  1. Christian Reisswig reporter
    • removed comment

    I have the following patch: When track_origin_from_grid_scalar = yes, we never look for the initial guess parameters (instead, we use the sensible choice that they should be the same as the tracked origin).

    I have introduced two new routines for this: track_origin -> sets ps.origin() from grid scalar set_initial_guess_parameters -> set initial guesses according to parameters; or to customly provided initial guess (e.g. via a preceeding call to track_origin).

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