remove poly_gamma_ini from EOS_Omni

Issue #1245 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

eos omni uses this to compute (initially) conversion factors from code (assumed to e G=c=M_sun=1) to cgs units. It then goes back and forth between these units even for polytropic and gamma law eos. This is very confusing since poly_gamma_ini since poly_gamma_ini must mast poly_gamma and gl_gamma for a "usual" run with a Gamma law eos.

Keyword: EOS_Omni

Comments (6)

  1. Frank Löffler
    • removed comment

    This also relates to #1070. The big question is: is someone actually using the parameter to set different EOS initially and for evolution?

  2. Roland Haas reporter
    • removed comment

    I have to admit I am not even sure if this is what poly_gamma_ini does or if it is intended to do this. Certainly we have users setting it incorrectly. Also I would think that changing EOS from initial data to evolution is not something that the EOS thorn should do. Removing the parameter will loudly abort while leaving it in in the current fashion gives silently non-sensical results.

  3. Frank Löffler
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    Let's remove this parameter. Usually I would argue that we should not remove it completely but make it a dummy and complain if it is used. However, that is what (more or less) will happen anyway if the parameter is removed.

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