AHFinderDirect/misner1.2-025 test fails on datura in ET_2013_05 release branch

Issue #1372 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

AHFinderDirect/misner1.2-025 test fails on datura in ET_2013_05 release branch. Diffs are:

   BH_diagnostics.ah1.gp: differences below tolerance on 1 lines
   BH_diagnostics.ah2.gp: differences below tolerance on 1 lines
   h.t0.ah1.gp: differences below tolerance on 703 lines
   h.t0.ah2.gp: differences below tolerance on 698 lines
   sf_area[0].xg: differences below tolerance on 1 lines
   sf_min_radius[0].xg: differences below tolerance on 1 lines
   sf_radius[0]_2D.asc: differences below tolerance on 496 lines
   sf_radius[1]_2D.asc: substantial differences
      significant differences on 5 (out of 1058) lines
      maximum absolute difference in column 3 is 1.75718694541256e+243
      maximum relative difference in column 3 is 2899588673.18783
      (insignificant differences on 37 lines)

Since this does not fail in the ubuntu test VM, it might be something to do with the Intel compiler vs GCC.

According to http://einsteintoolkit.org/release-info/parse_testsuite_results.php, it seems that this test was failing on a number of machines for a while.

Keyword: AHFinderDirect

Comments (2)

  1. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    the test outputs uninitialized variables. Attached please find a patch to the test parfile in question which makes PUGH initialize all variables with zero so that the result no longer depends on garbage in memory. Note that no bug was present since the garbage is in sf_radius[1] which is a SphericalSurface whose nphi and ntheta are smaller than the thorn-global maxntheta and maxnphi so there is valid garbage present.

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