Simfactory: loewe machine update

Issue #1577 resolved
Bruno Mundim created an issue

Loewe has recently gone a software upgrade. The attached patch reflects the new software changes and other small changes like:

1) Getting rid of -rdynamic (GNU option only) and using -Wl,--export-dynamic instead. 2) Correcting CPP_OPENMP_FLAGS to pass the correct preprocessor flag for OpenMP, -D_OPENMP 3) Adding -Wall flags. Note that Lorene won't compile without '-warn nointerfaces' option for older versions (older than Noether). Noether and trunk should be fine. 4) Adding '--basedir=@BASEDIR@' option to submit script to allow a basedir different from default. Useful for grouping several simulations under the same directory name.

Ok to apply to trunk and Noether releases?

Keyword: loewe

Comments (7)

  1. Erik Schnetter
    • changed status to open
    • removed comment

    If you have tested this change (rebuilt from scratch, run test cases, run a simple simulation with checkpoint/restart), then please apply this.

    If Loewe doesn't work any more without these changes, then please apply it no matter what.

  2. Bruno Mundim reporter
    • removed comment

    Applied as in r2319. I have been using this patch for the last 3 weeks with ET + Whisky codes.

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