ScalarWave thorn build error on Stampede

Issue #1608 resolved
Jonah Miller created an issue

When I try to compile the Einstein toolkit on stampede, I get a series of errors relating to OpenMP loops. Each error is of the form:

 must have a loop-invariant increment of integer, pointer, or random access iterator type
    for (int tk = tiled_imin[2]; tk < tiled_imax[2]; tk += tile_size_l[2])

The error is definitely in the ScalarWave thorn, because disabling this thorn allows the toolkit to compile just fine.

Attached are the thornlist used and the error output. The command I used to compile was

sim build dgfe2

Keyword: ScalarWave,OpenMP

Comments (4)

  1. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    Jonah, are you sure that the thorn is in the Einstein Toolkit (and not in some repository related to dgfe)? find . -name ScalarWave does not find anything in my current ET checkout.

    If indeed this thorn is not in the ET then we can remove the release milestone.

  2. Jonah Miller reporter
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:1 rhaas]:

    Jonah, are you sure that the thorn is in the Einstein Toolkit (and not in some repository related to dgfe)? find . -name ScalarWave does not find anything in my current ET checkout.

    If indeed this thorn is not in the ET then we can remove the release milestone.

    I think you're correct, Roland. Sorry for the confusion.

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