Cannot log in to Blue Waters

Issue #1622 resolved
Erik Schnetter created an issue

With the new gsissh mechanism in Simfactory, I receive the error below when I try to log in.

$ ./bin/sim --verbose login bluewaters
Info: Simfactory command: ./bin/../simfactory/lib/ "--verbose" "login" "bluewaters"
Info: Version 2356M
Info: The Simulation Factory: Manage Cactus simulations

Info: defs: /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/simfactory/etc/defs.ini
Info: defs.local: /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini
Info: Executing command: login
Info: Logging into remote machine bluewaters
Info: executing command: /bin/bash -c '{ :; } && { { mkdir -p /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus &&
: >> /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa &&
chmod go-rwx /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa &&
export X509_USER_PROXY=/Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa &&
: mkdir -p /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/certificates-tfca-ncsa &&
: export X509_CERT_DIR=/Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/certificates-tfca-ncsa &&
grid-proxy-info -issuer -file /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa 2>/dev/null | grep "^/C=US/O=National Center for Supercomputing Applications/" >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
test $(grid-proxy-info -timeleft -file /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa 2>/dev/null) -gt 0 2>/dev/null
} || {
{ grid-proxy-destroy 2>/dev/null || true; } &&
myproxy-logon -p 7512 -s -T -l eschnett -o /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa
} &&
{ globus-update-certificate-dir >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; }; } &&  gsissh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/simfactory/etc/ssh_known_hosts  -t '\''cd /u/sciteam/eschnett/Cvanilla || echo "Could not change to directory /u/sciteam/eschnett/Cvanilla"; $SHELL -l'\''; }'

Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Failed to receive credentials.
Failed writing buffer to BIO
Failed unpacking proxy certificate from buffer
Error accepting delegated credentials: Failed writing buffer to BIO
Failed unpacking proxy certificate from buffer

Error while executing command "/bin/bash -c '{ :; } && { { mkdir -p /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus &&
: >> /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa &&
chmod go-rwx /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa &&
export X509_USER_PROXY=/Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa &&
: mkdir -p /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/certificates-tfca-ncsa &&
: export X509_CERT_DIR=/Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/certificates-tfca-ncsa &&
grid-proxy-info -issuer -file /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa 2>/dev/null | grep "^/C=US/O=National Center for Supercomputing Applications/" >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
test $(grid-proxy-info -timeleft -file /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa 2>/dev/null) -gt 0 2>/dev/null
} || {
{ grid-proxy-destroy 2>/dev/null || true; } &&
myproxy-logon -p 7512 -s -T -l eschnett -o /Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/.globus/proxy-tfca-ncsa
} &&
{ globus-update-certificate-dir >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; }; } &&  gsissh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/Users/eschnett/Cvanilla/simfactory/etc/ssh_known_hosts  -t '\''cd /u/sciteam/eschnett/Cvanilla || echo "Could not change to directory /u/sciteam/eschnett/Cvanilla"; $SHELL -l'\''; }'":
   Command returned exit status 1
eschnett@Redshift:~/Cvanilla (16:40:03)
$ ./bin/sim login bluewaters
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Failed to receive credentials.
Failed writing buffer to BIO
Failed unpacking proxy certificate from buffer
Error accepting delegated credentials: Failed writing buffer to BIO
Failed unpacking proxy certificate from buffer


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